• +1-214-637-6282
  • gov@nata.org
  • NATAPAC Sweepstakes 2024

National Athletic Trainers' Association Political Action Commitee

The Voice of Athletic Training


Do you want to make a difference in the future of the athletic training profession?

NATAPAC Activities

NATAPAC Activities

Get Involved

How can you get involved?


NATAPAC welcomes involvement and contributions from members of the NATA.

NATAPAC empowers members to support elected officials or candidates who champion policy advancing the athletic training profession. Through NATAPAC, members are able to help shape the political environment and educate federal legislators on the significant contributions that athletic trainers make as healthcare providers across our nation.

NATAPAC Mission Statement

The National Athletic Trainers’ Association Political Action Committee (NATAPAC) is the sole federal PAC founded for and dedicated to being the voice and advocate of the athletic training profession.

NATAPAC Mission Statement